From: bartheld,
Subject: EL Cheepo Web pages--Very hot and very discrete! [Kampf der Junk(e)mail]
Date: 4 Jan 1997 09:18:20 GMT
Organization: Reference.Com Posting Service

Hallo d.r.m. !

Sicher nervt es euch auch reichlich, mit Junk(e)mail

zugemuellt zu werden. Leider bringen es einige Web-

Pages fertig, meine email-Adresse zu Werbezwecken zu

veroeffentlichen und... voila !

Jeden Morgen kriege ich reichlich Post.

Da es sich hier zumeist um englischsprachige Machwerke

handelt, habe ich mich mal im Web etwas schlau gemacht

um Gegenmassnahmen ergreifen zu koennen. Ja,

'Killfile' hoere ich einige von euch sagen. Leider

funktioniert auch das beste Killfile nicht 100%-ig und

ich moechte keine Mail verlieren die zufaellig die

im Killfile notierten Textpassagen enthaelt. (BTW,

gibt's sowas fuer Pegasus Mail und den Forte Free Agent,

beides fuer PC/WIN ?)

Hier jedenfalls ein paar Vorschlaege, was ihr den lieben

Herrschaften schreiben koennt, um unerwuenschte Zusendungen

zu stoppen:


I consider my computing device equivalent to a "telephone fax machine" as stated in section f paragraph 2

of the FCC's summary of the TCPA included in my letter since it has the capacity to transcribe text or

images (or both) from an electronic signal received over a regular telephone line onto paper and it can

not be distinguished if data has been received over a regular telephone line or not.

Your letter was passed to me via electronic mail and matches the term "unsolicited advertisement" as

stated in section f paragraph 5 of the TCPA restrictions on Telephone Solicitation.

So please stop sending unrequested electronic mail to my email adress and delete me from your mailing list

or I will take into account actions according to chapter (5) section A and B and report further

occurrences to the FCC.


The FCC's summary of the TCPA

The TCPA imposes restrictions on the use of [...] facsimile machines to send unsolicited advertisements.

[...] Unsolicited advertisements may not be transmitted by [...] facsimile machines. [...] The statute

also outlines various remedies for violations of the TCPA. 

         * Excerpts from Subpart L - Restrictions on Telephone Solicitation

   a.No person may 


       3.Use a telephone facsimile machine, computer, or other device to send an unsolicited advertisement

         to a [...] facsimile machine.


   f.As used in this section: 


       2.The term "telephone facsimile machine" means equipment which has the capacity to transcribe text

         or images, or both, from paper into an electronic signal and to transmit that signal over a

         regular telephone line, or to transcribe text or images (or both) from an electronic signal

         received over a regular telephone line onto paper. 


       5.The term "unsolicited advertisement" means any material advertising the commercial availability

         or quality of any property, goods, or services which is transmitted to any person without that

         person's prior express invitation or permission. 

                                  * Excerpt from the TCPA


A person who has received more than one telephone call within any 12 month period by or on behalf of the

same company in violation of the regulations prescribed under this subsection may, if otherwise permitted

by the laws or rules of court of a State bring in an appropriate court of that State. action based on a violation of the regulations prescribed under this subsection to enjoin such

    violation, action to recover for actual monetary loss from such a violation, or to receive up to $500 in

    damages for each such violation, whichever is greater, or 

  C.both such actions. 




I do not want to receive uninvited solicitations by email (``Junk Email'').

     I am unwilling to receive Junk Email freely because it costs me time

     and money. If you send me any Junk Email other than on the terms of

     the offer set out in the following nine points, I will take this to

     mean that you plan to use what I offered you without paying for it.

     If you ever try to do this I reserve my right to take any action

     available to me without further reference to you. Actions available

     to me include taking proceedings against you for negligence or breach

     of contract, which may result in substantial damages being awarded

     against you by a court. The unauthorized use of my computing facilities

     may even be a crime. 

       1.I offer to receive all further email from you on the terms set out

         below. If you send me any solicitation by email without my express

         prior written consent this will be taken as your acceptance of this


       2.For the purposes of points 3 and 4, you will be taken to have sent

         any email sent by any entity apparently associated with you for the

         purpose of sending email solicitations. 

       3.You must pay me ten US dollars for each such item of email that you

         send me. 

       4.You must pay me ten US dollars for each copy of each email

         solicitation that you send to anybody or any email address referred

         to below, even if you don't send a copy to me. You may also have to

         pay other persons as well if they have sent you a similar offer. 

       5.I may join with any of those persons for the purpose of efficiently

         collecting your payments. 

       6.You must mail payment by certified check to me within five working

         days of the transmission of the email. If you do not know where to

         send payment, you must state this in the email and give me an easy

         way to tell you. 

       7.Each email item must be uniquely identified, and each payment must

         clearly identify the relevant item or items. 

       8.You must tell me your name and full business and residential

         addresses in each email message. 

       9.I may vary the terms of or terminate this offer at any time (even

         after you have accepted it). Any new terms will apply to all email

         you send after you have been notified of a variation. 

     The copyright of the above text is held by Junkbusters Corporation and

     is used here in accordance with the GNU General Public License, copies

     of which are available at or from the Free Software

     Foundation, 675

     Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

So. Das war's. Naehere Info gibt's unter !

Bis bald in dieser Newsgroup.

Volker [kein Junkie]


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